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International Gaming League:
trying to revive Blub Game!

Can you remember Blub Game in 2009? Regular tournaments in ESL, more than hundred players in ladders and lots of people in game lobby? You can't bring back this time, but our IGL will try to revive Blub movement!


Of course, our main region is CIS. So, we set up a regular league for players from Russia, Ukraine and Armenia to fight for some prizes. Main two prizes are trips to Blub Masters Invitational

Blub Masters Invitational is a special tournament, that held by IGL,  for players from 3 main leagues in Blub- IGL, ESL and Blobby Volley. Our organization contact with players and judge matches. First tournament is a great success, so, maybe, Blub Masters will be held regularry!

Blub CIS League isn't as popular, but plays a very important role, developing Blub in Commonwealth of Independent States. This tournaments are also held regulary, inviting best players from this region. Winner of last season is Demonkin.

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